Where to buy replacement dust bag for your handbag

If you are looking to buy dust bags from Hermes, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Coach or any other luxury brands. Bad news is most brand do not sell additional dust bag. Dust bag comes free with every purchase. What happen if you lost one or you need an extra one? Following are some options that you may wish to consider.

Try buying online from Ebay or Etsy

If you are planning to buy a branded dust bag from Ebay, it is likely you will not find any as it is against Ebay TOS.  If you are “lucky” to find one put on sales at Ebay, make sure it is authentic.  Ebay doesn’t allow the sales of dust bag or anything that can help counterfeits seem more real like dustbags, receipts, boxes etc. It is common practise that Ebay take these sales items down. We did try searching on Ebay for Louis Vuitton and Hermes dust bags and we couldn’t find any put on sales as well.

If you are not able to find a suitable dustbag on Ebay, try Esty. There are many dust bags that are sold between USD$10 to USD$50 depending on the material used at Esty. If you are lucky, you will also find some branded dust bags from Hermes, Coach, Chanel, Louis Vuitton put on sales. Just make sure they are authentic. If you not able find any, you can always buy a custom-made dustbag that can fit perfectly into your handbag, Etsy is after all a handcraft marketplace.



Try asking for free at the boutique

According to some ladies at purse forum, this method seems to work at Chanel and Louis Vuitton boutiques. It is always easy to ask one for free when buying a new bag, give some lame excuse that you lost your old dust bag. Some SA will just give it to you for free if there is one lying around somewhere. Alternatively you can bring your bag there and pretend to buy a dust bag, they cant sell you but they will give you free. 

Use a pillow case to store your handbag

Pillowcase makes a great dust bag. If you are planning to use a pillowcase as a dust bag, make sure that it has over 200 thread counts and the colour does not run. Choose a pillowcase that is light in colour. The only problem when it comes to using pillowcase is it come in standard sizes and if your bag is too big, it may not be able to fit into it.

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A pillow case is good to fit a Louis Vuitton Neverfull MM as well


Click Here to check out CloverSac's Dust Cover Bag which is made of 100% cotton with 300 thread counts, as soft as your pillow case


If you are good at sewing, you can try to sew yourself. Buy fabric that is 100% cotton and sew yourself a draw-string bag.

Dustbag from Diaso, USD$2.00

We bought a dustbag at Diaso which cost us only $2.00. According to the package, it say it will not decolorize and the material is breathable, we just have to keep my fingers cross and believe them. Another thing we didn’t like about it is it is made of polyester which give it a very plastic feeling.

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Dust bag from Container Store – USD$14.99

The other dust bag we got online was from Container store. It cost us USD$14.99. Dustbag quality  is much better off than the one from Daiso. 100% brush cotton which is quite similar to those made from the brand owner.
