Why a clear acrylic base shaper is a bad idea

The concept of a base shaper is to provide a “base” for handbags that have a less-structured bases. That explains why people create a platform also known as base shapers to create some structure for the handbags. Base Shapers are made from different material such as nylon, polyester, acrylic or just cardboard. Of all the materials that were used to make base shapers, you should try to avoid using acrylic as much as possible. Following explain the reasons why.

Acrylic base shapers are generally heavier.
They normally weigh around 5 oz which is around 140 gram. There are much lighter base shaper that weigh only 60 to 80 gram. Excessive weight on the base shaper will only add pressure onto the base of your handbag. Following is a base shaper from CloverSac which weighs only 60 gram!

base-shaper-weight-cloversac (Small)

Acrylic base shapers are very stiff
An overly stiff base shaper is bad for the interior of the handbag as it exert more pressure onto the corners of the handbags compared to one that is more flexible.

Next time if you are planning to buy a base shaper for your handbag, make sure you buy one that is light in weight and not overly stiff.
