How to DIY a base shaper for LV Speedy 30

A base shaper is commonly used on Louis Vuitton Speedy 30 to prevent the bottom of the bag from sagging. If you like to DIY your own base shaper for Speedy 30, following is an instruction on how you can DIY your own base shaper at close to zero cost by using recycled cardboard or plastic sheets.

Following are some of the things you need before you begin

  1. A sharp pen-knife or scissor
  2. A cutting board if you are using a pen-knife
  3. The choice of material varies:
    • Cardboard which is around 1 to 2 mm thick
    • Plastic sheets from old hard plastic folder like the following. If you can find a clear one like the following it will be great. Make sure whatever cutting material you use is sharp enough to cut it through.
    • Any other material which is hard enough that is around 1 to 2 mm thick.

plastic file folder base shaper

5 DIY steps in making your own base shaper

Step 1: The base shaper dimensions for a speedy 30 is 11.75″ x 7″. If you are planning to make base shaper for other handbags, take the measurement from the inside and not the outside. For more dimensions of base shaper for other Louis Vuitton bags – Click Here


Step 2: Use the ruler to measure and pen the dimensions of your the base shaper onto the material you plan to use. Keep the corners rounded so you don’t scratch the inside of your bag.


Tips: Plastic tend to be more sharp on the edges compared to cardboard. We would strongly recommend using cardboard over plastic material. If you plan to use plastic, make sure the corners are all rounded.

Step 3: Use a scissor or pen-knife to cut out the base shaper.


Remember to trim the four corners of the base shaper rounded so that it does not damage the corners of your bag.


Step 4: Test to see if it fit well.

Step 5: Trim further to fit and you got yourself a base shaper 🙂